
Machine Downtime Reason

A combination of color and text to describe a reason for when a machine is down (i.e. not producing value). A Downtime Reason can be used on 0, 1 or many Machines Types. Changeover, Maintenance, Material, No Operator, On Break, On Lunch, Other, Setup, Team Meeting, and Tooling are provided as defaults by Tulip and cannot be modified or deleted by the user. Additional downtime reasons can be created by the user. Deleting a downtime reason is not allowed while in use. A downtime reason cannot be restored after delete.


NameName of downtime, user defined (e.g. 'In Setup')
ColorUser defined color for the downtime reason


QA-T410Machine Monitoring : 10 - Used Machine Type Aspects can't be Deleted
QA-T590Machine Monitoring : 14 - Creating Machine Downtime Reason


PLAT-8820 (346)Provide a managed way to capture equipment events during production processing. All events will be logged with cause and timestamp. These events may be - Stop causes, Downtime events, Breakdowns, Repair, Etc.