
Table Query Editor


The Table Query Editor allows the user to view and edit a Table Query.

Users can also use the "Test" button in the top right of the screen to test out specific values if a filter within the query is set to "App Input"

Model/Page Connections

Table Query


  • A user can create a new Table Query by selecting the "Queries" button in the top right of the page and then pressing "Create New Query".


  • A user can view the details of a Table Query by pressing the "Filters", "Sort" and "Limit" button in the top left of the screen.


  • A user can edit the Table Query by pressing the "Edit" button in the top right of the screen and then editing the name, Filters, Sort or Limit. If they make a change and the Query is already being used in apps, they will get a notification about which development versions of apps are being updated before they press "Save".


  • A user can deactivate a Table Query by pressing the "..." in the top right of the screen and pressing "Delete Query". This will hide the Query from the UI but not delete it from the database.


This page can be accessed from the following pages:

User Permissions

A user with table "edit" and "create" permissions can also view, edit, create and deactivate Table Queries.


QA-T570Table Queries : 01 - Create, Edit, Delete a Query
QA-T571Table Queries : 02 - Query Configuration
QA-T595Table Queries : 08 - Editing and Deleting Queries, Aggregations in Published and Development Version Apps
QA-T700Table Queries : 02 / Query for an Archived Field


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