
Signature Widget : 03 - Signing in LDAP, SAML

The objective is to verify that the Signature widget can be signed in an LDAP or SAML environment setup taking respect of the authorization rules of the instance.

Additionally that this widget continues to cover the following user requirements:
  • 819 - All electronic signatures have authenticate the signatoree by two distinct elements (e.g. username and password; at least one being a private element), or a secure unambiguous biometrics system that cannot be used by anyone other than their genuine owner.
  • 820 - Electronic signatures have to be secured and not allowed to be falsified. They can only be used by their genuine owners.

This tests expects the following to be true:
  1. You are able to log into and
  2. You have access to the Tulip 1password account
  3. You have basic understanding of Tulip terminology
  4. You need to have access to the "Completions Testing" app here and here.

To work around a bug with OpenAM ("Session Upgrade fails since user is different than  original authenticated user"), you must open developer tools in Player (+I), navigate to the "Console" tab and run the following commands:
this.document.location = ""  -  to log the current SAML user out of Tulip.
this.document.location = ""  - to point Player back to the SAML instance.

