
Table Aggregation Instance

A Table Aggregation Instance is an instance of a Table Aggregation that is bound to a Table Query Placeholder within an app.

Its value depends on the records that are included in the Table Query. The value cannot exceed the platform limits for a given data type (e.g. integer) as detailed by Variable.

It was originally defined as a Table Aggregation on top of a Table.


NameThe name of this instance of the Aggregation within this particular app
Linked AggregationThe aggregation that was predefined in the Table on top of a single field
Places UsedThe widgets and triggers that reference this Table Aggregation Instance. These references must be deleted before the Table Query Placeholder can be deleted


QA-T538Table App - Run the 'Table App' application
QA-T574Table Queries : 05 - Queries in Apps
QA-T1032Table Queries : 08 - Aggregation types


No requirements