
Machine Activity

A Tulip Table that logs the history of activity of a machine. New rows are created by Machine Triggers and data within the most recent row can be manipulated from Machine Triggers and/or Triggers. Historical rows (i.e. all rows except the most recent) are not editable. A set of default columns within the table are pre-populated and not customizable by the user. The user can extend these defaults by adding custom Machine Activity Fields as needed. Custom fields available for a machine are part of the definition of a Machine Type.


Fields listed below are provided by default and are not editable by the user. User can add new Machine Activity Fields as required.

StateMachine State, set by Machine Trigger
Start TimeDatetime for the start of the state, automatically set.
End TimeDatetime for the end of the state, automatically set.
DurationInterval between Start Time and End Time, automatically set.
Downtime ReasonDowntime Reason, set by Machine Trigger or Triggers and retained for new rows until cleared.
ProgramText - typically used for machine nc program, set by Machine Trigger or Triggers and retained for new rows until cleared.
Part CountInteger, set by Machine Trigger or Triggers and cleared for new rows.
Defect CountInteger, set by Machine Trigger or Triggers and cleared for new rows.
Ideal Run RateInteger, set by Machine Trigger or Triggers and retained for new rows until cleared.


QA-T256Machine Monitoring : 04 - Machine Type
QA-T1136Table Management : 16 - Download Dataset
QA-T1140Machine Monitoring : 11 - Activity fields


No requirements