
App Creation Modal


The App Creation Modal is shown to users when the "Create" button is pressed to create a new application.

Users can select existing Tulip library applications, apps within their enterprise app exchange, or to start with a blank application.

Model/Page Connections

App (Application)


  • A user can sort applications based on any of 3/4 charteristics
    • Type
    • Content
    • Use Case
    • If Enterprise App Exchange has been configured, Library
  • Multiple filters can be applied, with search to find matching applications.


  • Search for existing applicaitons based on name or description.


  • Inspect the details of each available application:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Source (Tulip Library, or Enterprise App Exchange)
    • App update history
    • Last update date
    • Thumbnail image


  • From App Card
    • Select the "+ Create" button next to any application to download that application, and open the app editor
  • From a blank application
    • Add an application name, and select "+ Create" on the blank app card.

User Permissions

A user with “create” permissions for applications can create applications from the App Creation Modal.


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