
App Versions


The App Versions Page allows the user to:

  • View a list of App Versions for a specific App alongside their publication dates and associated notes
  • Submit the current development version of the application for publication, notifying all approvers
  • Restore previously published versions of the app.
  • View the status of any App Approvals for “pending” and “previously published” versions.
  • Approve any changes to an app that is pending publication, if the user is in the list of approvers.
  • View the list of connectors being used by different versions of an App in the new Resources column

Models / Page Connections

App Versions


  • The user can view a list of all versions on this page. The list of all versions is shown on this page.
  • The user can go to the App Editor in read-only mode to view an app version.
  • The user can run an app version.


  • The user can publish the development version of the app


  • The user can restore a previously published version of the app
  • The user can take a snapshot.

App Approvals


  • The user can view the status of approvals on a pending publication


  • Certified approvers can approve or reject changes for a pending publication



  • The user can view the connector(s) being used by a version of an App
  • The user can navigate to the connector from the resources column.


The following Pages are related to App Versions:


QA-T267User Roles : 08.1 / Viewers should be unable to run Apps or edit/modify Apps, Dashboards, and Analytics
QA-T327Apps Page : 05 - App Versions
QA-T386Apps Page : 10 - App Testing during Approvals
QA-T720Apps Page : 05 / Failing to edit older App Versions


No requirements