
Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is a universal navigation that can be used to get to many popular pages in Tulip.


The Menu Bar allows users to access the pages listed below. Additionally, it allows the user to do the following things:

Live Chat: By clicking the "Live Chat" option, users open up a chat dialogue box that they can use to reach the active customer support rep from Tulip. This is staffed by a Tulip rep on a weekly schedule that has been agreed upon with the customer.

Support Request: This allows the user to submit a request to the Tulip Customer Support team, and flag the request as urgent if needed.

Knowledge Base: This provides direct access to Tulip's Knowledge Base, a collection of articles on how to use the platform. This can be reached at support.tulip.co.

Tulip University: This provides direct access to Tulip University, a collection of self-paced video courses on how to use areas of the platform and build specific use cases.

Download Player: A user can download the Tulip Player to their local computer on a Mac or Windows device.

Community: This provides direct access to Tulip Community, an open forum to users of the Tulip platform to discuss all facets of the platform with Tulip employees and other Community users.

Submit Feature Request: A link to the Product suggestions Community channel where users can create posts that sync to Tulip's feature request ticketing system.

Sign Out: A user can manually sign out of the active Tulip account.

Page Connections

The Menu Bar allows the user to access the following pages:


QA-T318Support Actions - Reach out to Tulip
QA-T319Support Actions - Support Links
QA-T320Support Actions - Player Download


No requirements