
Machine Types


This page allows users to view a list of all Machine Types; view the name of each type, the count of machines where used as well as Last Modified. User can navigate to Machine Type Details for a specific type.

Model/Page Connections

Machine Types


  • A user can create a Machine Type by clicking Create Type from the header.
  • A user can copy a Type by clicking 'Copy Machine Type' from the '...' menu for each type in the list. This creates a new Type with '(Copy)' appended to the name.


  • Machine Types cannot be edited from this page.


  • A user can view a Types's name, the number of machines where used and Last Modified
  • A user can search from the header by name.


This page can be accessed from the following pages:

User Permissions

Creating, editing or deleting on this page may be restricted by the users role.


QA-T256Machine Monitoring : 04 - Machine Type
QA-T390Machine Monitoring : 05 - Machine Type Management
QA-T410Machine Monitoring : 09 - Used Machine Type Aspects can't be Deleted
QA-T588Machine Monitoring : 12 - Adding Machine Activity Fields to Machine Types
QA-T657Workspaces : 09 - Machine Types are shared between workspaces
QA-T744Workspaces : 09 - News feed between workspaces
QA-T1160User Roles : 17.4 - Viewer (with Player Access) role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1165User Roles : 11.4 - Connector Supervisor role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1172User Roles : 12.4 - Tulip Table Supervisor role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1185User Roles : 13.4 - Station Operator role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1200User Roles : 14.4 - Station Supervisor role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1204User Roles : 15.4 - Administrator role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1208User Roles : 16.4 - Application Approver role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1220User Roles : 10.4 - Application Builder role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1227User Roles : 08.7 / Viewers should be unable to create, edit, or modify Machine Types
QA-T1235User Roles : 18.4 - Application Engineer role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision
QA-T1238User Roles : 19.4 - Workspace Owner role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Vision


No requirements