


The “Profile” Page allows Users to view and modify their personal settings. The available fields are:

  • Profile Image
  • Name
  • Email
  • User Role
  • Badge ID
  • Phone Number
  • Language

The page can be accessed by clicking their Profile Image (top right corner) & “My Profile”.

Model/Page Connections

This page has the same functionality as the “User Profile” Page EXCEPT for the following:

  • A user can modify their own phone number by clicking the "Edit" text in the top right of the screen and then clicking the input field that appears next to the "Phone Number" label in the middle of the screen.

User Permissions

Any User can view their own Profile page. Any User can modify the fields on their Profile page, with the exception of changing Email and User Role.


QA-T12User Management : 06 - Add phone number to admin account
QA-T13User Management : 07 - Upload image/gif for Admin icon on /account
QA-T171SAML : 02 - Admins can log in to Factory using SAML
QA-T279User Management : 10 - Users can change their password
QA-T661User Management : 06 / Try to add phone number with a false Verification Code
QA-T680New User Onboarding : 01 - Existing user cannot access onboarding flow
QA-T940User Management : 13 - Online Status on Profile page
QA-T1153User Roles : 17.1 - Viewer (with Player Access) role - Settings
QA-T1162User Roles : 11.1 - Connector Supervisor role - Settings
QA-T1166User Roles : 12.1 - Tulip Table Supervisor role - Settings
QA-T1182User Roles : 13.1 - Station Operator role - Settings
QA-T1191User Management: 16 - Logging out of one tab logs out of all tabs
QA-T1197User Roles : 14.1 - Station Supervisor role - Settings
QA-T1201User Roles : 15.1 - Administrator role - Settings
QA-T1205User Roles : 16.1 - Application Approver role - Settings
QA-T1214SAML : 07 - Roles from SAML Attributes Overwrite Tulip Roles with IdP Control Mode
QA-T1216User Roles : 10.1 - Application Builder role - Settings
QA-T1232User Roles : 18.1 - Application Engineer role - Settings
QA-T1241User Roles : 19.1 - Workspace Owner role - Settings


No requirements