
User Management : 11 - User Deactivation

This test runs through the deactivate process for a user and expect the following behaviors:
  • Both Admins and Operators could be deactivated by Account Owners
  • A deactivated user can no longer log into Factory nor Player

This fulfills the following URS:
  • 24 - Provide a managed way to define and maintain definitions of a user model including creating, editing, and disabling of users.
  • 44 - Ability to revoke user access to the system both permanently and temporarily with appropriate authorization
1. User has access to credentials of an Account Owner of the testing instance
2. Several users with Administrator (users with access to the factory) and Operator role have been created
3. This test is being performed on a site where Tulip Manages the users (so no SAML or LDAP Group-Restricted Mode).

4. The user has basic knowledge of Tulip terminology

