

An Analysis is a visual display of data from the following data sources within Tulip

  • App (single or many)
  • Table (single)
  • Machine (single or many)

App: Data is organized around App Completions from the past

Table: Data is current values in Table Rows

Machine: Data is past events from OPC tags that are stored in attributes

It is defined via:

  1. A “Chart Template” that determines the querying and visualization options.
  2. A set of configuration fields and their current values. The available configuration fields depend on the Chart Template.

This doc will review all the possible configuration fields for each chart template and data source combination.

Additionaly, Chart Layers allowing to create Insights are detailed at the end of this page.

General Properties

NameName of the Analysis

Refresh Seconds
The frequency that the visual display will refresh with new data. Minimum 5 seconds.

Public Link
An optional public link that will allow anyone to view data in the analysis

Download Image
Download the current state of the analysis in a PNG image
Apps (Apps data source only)A list of apps that act as a data source for this analysis
Table (table data source only)The table data source for the analysis
Machine (machine data source only)The machines under a specific machine type that will be considered in the analysis
Date RangeApps data
The date range for values that will be considered in this chart based on when the app completion with the data point occurred

Machine data
The date range for values that will be considered in this chart. The user can select one of two system generated fields as a reference:
  • Created At
  • Updated At

Machine data
The date range for the "Start Time" of machine activity entries that will be considered.
TimezoneThe time zone to be considered for datetime operations like truncation to day or week.

Note: My timezone will make the analysis use the timezone inferred from the device a user is using to view the analysis. This means that results shown in the analysis can differ if viewed from devices with different timezone settings.
FiltersAny exclusion or inclusion rules for data in this chart.
Compare ByA category to split out the data into multiple series. Applies to non universal template graphical charts.

Data Panel Options

Note: The data panel is only available for the Universal template.

The following gives an overview of settings available for each visualization type

Bar, Line, Scatter

X AxisThe field whose values should be shown on the X Axis.
Y AxisOne or multiple numeric fields whose values should be shown on the Y Axis.
Compare ByThe field used to show values as the same series in the chart. If you want to show multiple series, you can do so either by selecting multiple fields for the Y Axis or one field for the Y Axis and a field for Compare By. Combining multiple fields for the Y Axis and Compare By is not possible.

A “Compare field values” mode is available for these visualization types in the “...” menu of the X Axis setting. This allows to visualize numeric values of multiple fields side-by-side. When the option is turned on, the following options are available:

X AxisThe numeric fields to be compared.
Compare ByThe field used to show values as the same series in the chart. Defaults to the row index of the data.


ValuesThe numeric field containing the values for which the histogram is shown. This field should contain all values in an unaggregated fashion. The visualization takes care of calculating the histogram values.
Compare ByThe field used to split the “Values” into multiple series, each shown as a separate histogram in the visualization.


ValuesThe numeric fields containing the values to be visualized.
LabelsThe field used for the labels of the different donut segments. These will show up in the tooltip and the legend. Defaults to the row index of the visualized data.

Single value, Gauge

ValueThe numeric fields containing the value to be visualized. Note: The value of the first row in the query result will be visualized. If your query returns multiple rows you can add sorting to change which value this is. We recommend to use the “Show query result” button on the bottom to check the data if you don’t see the expected value in the visualization.


X AxisThe field whose values should be shown on the X Axis. A separate “box” will be visualized for each value in this field.
Y AxisThe numeric field containing the values to be visualized in the box plot is shown. This field should contain all values in an unaggregated fashion. The visualization takes care of calculating the box values.


X AxisThe field whose values should be shown on the X Axis.
Y AxisThe numeric field whose values should be shown on the Y Axis. The cumulative percentage line is automatically calculated in visualization.

Table and Slideshow

Table and Slideshow visualizations do not have a data panel and are automatically configured.


This shows all groupings and operations configured in the query. They are ordered in the sequence they appear in the query builder on the left.


This shows all images that are in any image field in the query result as individual slides. Any additional fields configured in the query are shown in a table below the image.

Switching Between Visualization Types

When switching between any of the visualization types configured in the data panel, any compatible configuration is carried over. This minimizes the effort for switching and allows to try out different visualization options for the data.

Formatting Options

The formatting options are configured in the formatting tab of the Visualization panel on the right side of the analytics editor. They are grouped into different sections whose availability is dependent on the chart type.

Title & Subtitle

Applies to all templates.

  • Default: Shows the title of the analysis at the top left of the chart
  • None: Hides the title

Note: The title can be edited in the top left corner of the analytics editor by clicking on it.
  • Default: Shows a subtitle at the top left of the chart. If selected, an additional input field allows to enter a title.
  • None: Hides the subtitle

X Axis

Applies only to charts with a X axis.

LabelDefines if and what axis label is shown. The options are:
  • Default: Shows the label define by the data selected for the X axis.
  • Custom: Allows to enter a custom label.
  • None: No label is shown.
Axis Scaling
Only available when a datetime value is selected for the x axis
Defines what scale is used for the X axis. The options are:
  • Time Scale: The X axis distance between any two data points are proportional to their time stamp difference.
  • Ordinal Scale: The X axis distance between neighboring points is always the same, independent of their time stamp difference.
Show X Axis Tick LabelsDefines if axis tick labels for the X axis are shown.
Tick Label RotationDefines the degree rotation of tick labels. Available options are 0°(default), 45° and 90°.

Y Axis

Applies only to visualizations with a Y axis.

LabelDefines if and what axis label is shown. The options are:
  • Custom: Allows to enter a custom label
  • None: No label is shown
Show Y Axis Tick LabelsDefines if axis tick labels for the Y axis are shown.
BoundsAllows to set fixed bounds for the maximum and minimum of the Y axis.

Series & Legend

Applies to all visualizations but single number, table and slideshow.

Show LegendLegend is shown on the chart when toggled on.
Customize SeriesAllows to set the name and color for each series shown in the chart


Applies only to the table visualization.

Customize Column NamesAllows to set the name and color for each column of the table

Data Labels

Applies only to the donut chart.

Show LabelsDefines if the data labels for the different donut segments are shown.


Applies only to line and multiline visualizations.

InterpolationAllows to select if the line interpolation is smooth or straight. The default setting for new analyses is straight


Applies only to bar visualizations built with the Universal template.

StackingAllows to select if multiple series should be visualized with no stacking (grouped bar chart) or with stacking.

Individual Templates

One Operation

This displays one variable or table field on the X axis and a numerical value on the Y axis.

X AxisThe data point whose values will determine the categorization of data on the graph
Y AxisThe numerical data point that will be organized based on the X Axis values

For datetime values:
GROUP VALUE - Grouping of data by minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter or year.
Display Options
  • Bar Chart
  • Donut Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Pareto Chart
  • Dot Plot
  • Histogram (App and Table analyses only)

Compare Variables

This displays multiple numerical or boolean variables or table fields on the X axis and a numerical value on the Y axis.

X AxisThe variables (App analysis), Table fields (Table analysis) or machine fields (machine analysis) that will be shown for comparison on the X axis of the chart
Y AxisThe numerical value values for each selected variable or field.
Display Options
  • Stacked Bar Chart
  • Grouped Bar Chart
  • Multiseries Line Chart
  • Grouped Dot Plot
  • Overlaid Histogram (App and Table analyses only)t

Multiple Operations

This displays multiple numerical or boolean variables or table fields on the Y axis across the same X axis. Available for

X AxisThe value for the common X Axis
Y AxisThe values to be compared across the common X Axis

For datetime values:
GROUP VALUE - Grouping of data by minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter or year.
Display Options
  • Stacked Bar Chart
  • Grouped Bar Chart
  • Multiseries Line Chart
  • Grouped Dot Plot
  • Overlaid Histogram (App and Table analyses only)t

Results on X Axis

This shows individual app completions on the X axis and a numerical or boolean value on the Y Axis. Available only for App analyses.

Y AxisThe list of numerical variables or table fields to compare for each individual app completion
Display Options
  • Bar Chart
  • Donut Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Pareto Chart
  • Dot Plot
  • Histogram (App and Table analyses only)

Scatter Plot

This shows one numerical table field or variable on the x axis and a numerical value on the Y axis. Available only for App analyses.

X AxisThe variable to be shown on the X Axis.
Y AxisThe variable to be shown on the Y Axis.
SortingAllows to select a field and direction for sorting.
LimitLimit the number of data points shown on the graph.

Single Number

This shows a single value based on a variable, field or expression.

NumberThe variable, field or expression to be shown.


This shows images of a single image variable and additional variable values next to it. Available only for App analyses.

ImageThe image variable shown in the slideshow.
ColumnsAdditional app data that should be shown alongside the image in the slideshow.


This shows a tabular overview of the selected data.

GroupingsThe variables (App analysis), Table fields (Table analysis) or machine fields (machine analysis) used for grouping the source data. This drives which rows are shown in the table.
OperationsAdditional fields or aggregations whose value should be shown for each grouping.

For datetime values:
GROUP VALUE - Grouping of data by minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter or year.

Note: If an operation does not include an aggregation (like average, count, ...), the result will show an individual row for each value of the operaiton.
SortingAllows to select columns which the table should be sorted by.
LimitLimits the nubmer of data points shown on the graph.


Record Limit

All analyses are limited to a maximum of 1000 visualized records. If the analysis configuration would return more than 1000 records, last 1000 records are shown. "Last" is defined by a descending order of the X Axis values.

Example: If the X Axis is configured to be a datetime field, the most recent 1000 records will be shown.

Series Limit

All analyses are limited to a maximum of 50 visualized series. If the analysis configuration would return more than 50 series, the first 50 are shown. If this is the case, a warning icon is shown on the chart to surface it to the user.


Layers can be added to certain chart types in Tulip to generate Insights. Insights are pieces of information that are extracted from or created using the data visualized in the analysis.

Layers can be configured in the Layers tab of the Visualization panel on the right side of the analytics editor.

Control Chart Layer

This layer can be added to analyses with the following configuration:

  • Template: One Operation and Universal visualizing a single series
  • Visualization: Line Chart
  • X Axis: any
  • Y Axis: Numeric value (Number, Integer, Interval)

The Control Chart layer offers two different limit settings with different configuration options.

Static Limits

Allows to manually define an upper and lower control limit and a center line to use single outlier and prominent shift rules.

Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL) - mandatoryNumber input defining the upper and lower control limit used for evaluating the control chart rules. The UCL must be larger than the LCL.
Center LineConfiguration of the center line used for evaluating the control chart rules. If "Middle Center Line" is selected, the average of the UCL and LCL will be used. If "Custom Center Line" is selected, the user can specify any value between the UCL and LCL.
Rule Selection - at least one must be selectedConfiguration of the rules to be evaluated by the Control Chart Layer to generate insights. See rule description below.

Calculated Limits

Automatically identifies appropriate boundaries for single outlier detection based on the currently visible data and an acceptance range (6 sigma equivalent). Upon initially selecting this option, the limits are automatically calculated.

Calculate Limits (button)Recalculates the limits based on the currently visible data. Below the settings, the time since the last calculation and related timestamp are shown.
Rule Selection - not changeableFor the calculated limits, only the Single Outlier rule can be selected.


The following rules are available:

Rule Name / InsightLogicVisualization
Single OutlierAny single data point above the Upper Control Limit (UCL) or below the Lower Control Limit (LCL).Outliers are visualized with a red outline in the chart.
Prominent Shift9 or more consecutive data points either entirely above or entirely below the center line.Prominent Shifts are visualized by a red background highlight in the chart.

Alerting can be used with the Control Chart layer and will alert when new single outliers or prominent shifts are detected.

Forecast Layer

The Forecast layer in Tulip’s Analytics Builder provides out-of-the-box forecasting for time-series data. The layer uses machine learning to evaluate the existing data in you analysis to predict and visualize a likely future development of that data as a 95% confidence interval.

This layer can be added to analyses with the following configuration:

  • Template: One Operation and Universal visualizing a single series
  • Visualization: Line Chart
  • x-Axis: Time-series, grouped by day
  • y-Axis: Numeric value (Number, Integer, Interval)

Once a chart configuration is fulfilling these requirements, the Forecast Layer will be available in the Chart Layers panel. This can be opened by clicking on the Chart Layers button in the top right corner of the analytics editor.

The following configuration options are available:

Forecast StrategyThere are three forecast strategies available. Selecting the right one for your use case can improve your forecast quality.
  • Unlimited: Use this strategy if the numeric data you are visualizing can theoretically attain any value.
  • Positive: Use this forecast strategy for numeric data that cannot be negative, such as part count or defect count.
  • Interval: Use this forecast strategy when the numeric value is constrained in a specific way, such as a measurement of minutes per hour, where data must be between 0 and 60.
  • Selecting the ‘Interval’ strategy prompts you to input the upper and lower limits before the forecast is displayed.
  • Prediction PeriodThe number of days to be shown as a forecast.
    Show estimated trendToggles showing a line depicting the trend that is estimated by the forecasting model.
    Evaluate ForecastTriggers a quality evaluation for the forecast, which shows:

    • Mean Absolute Error
    • Median Percentage Error

    To execute the evaluation the number of data points must be more than 2 weeks and greater than five times the prediction period.

    Trend Line Layer

    The Trend Line layer adds a linear trend line to charts in Tulip Analyitcs. It can be added to anlayses with the following configuration:

    • Templates: One Operation and Universal visualizing a single series
    • Visualization: Line Chart, Bar Chart, Dot Plot
    • x-Axis: Any
    • y-Axis: Numeric value (Number, Integer, Interval)

    Once a chart configuration is fulfilling these requirements, the Trend Line Layer will be available in the Chart Layers panel. This can be opened by clicking on the Chart Layers button in the top right corner of the analytics editor.

    The following configuration options are available:

    TypeAllows to change between a linear and moving average trend line. The default is linear.
    PeriodThe period option becomes available when the moving average type is selected. It defines how many data points should be considered for the moving average caluclation. This value has to be between 2 and 50.

    Reference Line Layer

    The reference line layer adds a horizontal line to charts in Tulip Analytics. It can be added to analyses with the following configuration:

    • Template: One Operation, Universal visualizing a single series or a single value as a gauge
    • Visualization: Line Chart, Bar Chart, Dot Plot, Gauge
    • x-Axis: Any
    • y-Axis: Numeric value (Number, Integer, Interval)

    Once a chart configuration is fulfilling these requirements, the Trendline Layer will be available in the Chart Layers panel. This can be opened by clicking on the Chart Layers button in the top right corner of the analytics editor.

    The following configuration options are available:

    ValueThe y-axis value at which the line will be shown
    Highlight DataDefines if data elements (bars, line points or dots) in the chart which relate to the reference line values in a specific way should be highlighted. The options are:
    • Above
    • Equal or above
    • Equal or below
    • Below
    • None

    • ColorDefines the color of the highlighting
      LabelDefines if a label should be shown on the reference line. If "Custom" is selected, an additional input field appears, allowing to specify the label.

      Alerting can be used with the Reference Line layer and will alert when new data elements become highlighted.


      Alerting is available for the Control Chart layer and the Reference Line layer.

      When alerting is turned on, Tulip will automatically check for new insights in the background every hour and send an email the the users specified in the "Recipients" list in the Alerts panel.

      For the Control Chart, insights are outliers or prominent shifts. For the Reference Line, insights are highlighted data elements.

      The email contains:

      • The name of the analysis
      • The timestamp of evaluation
      • The type and count of new insights
      • A link to the analysis


      QA-T101Analytics - Table Analytics
      QA-T134Record Placeholders : 08 - Delete Record Placeholder
      QA-T208Analytics - Analytics Widget
      QA-T259Analytics - Machine Analytics
      QA-T280Analytics - Analytics Widget Filtering
      QA-T281Analytics - Analytics Widget Filtering (Machine-based)
      QA-T353Analytics Template - Single Number
      QA-T354Analytics Template - One Operation
      QA-T355Analytics Template - Compare Variables
      QA-T356Analytics Template - Multiple Operations
      QA-T357Analytics Template - Table
      QA-T358Analytics Template - Slideshow
      QA-T359Analytics - Analytics Sharing
      QA-T360Analytics - Analytics Copying
      QA-T361Analytics - Analytics Refresh Rates
      QA-T473Schedules and Shifts : 03 - Applying shifts in analytics
      QA-T717Analytics - Table analytics CSV export
      QA-T803Advanced Analytics : 01 - Control Chart Layer
      QA-T812Universal Template - Format Chart : 01 - Bar-, Line-, Scatter-, Paretochart and Histogram
      QA-T820Advanced Analytics : 01 / Control Chart Layer
      QA-T826Advanced Analytics : 08 / Red Tabs
      QA-T927Table Analytics - Filtering by 'Date Range' settings
      QA-T985Advanced Analytics : 02 - Forecast
      QA-T987Advanced Analytics : 02 / Forecast
      QA-T988Advanced Analytics : 03 - Trend Line
      QA-T989Advanced Analytics : 03 / Trend Line
      QA-T1116Advanced Analytics : 04 / Trend Line - Moving Average
      QA-T1117Advanced Analytics : 04 - Trend Line - Moving Average
      QA-T1177Advanced Analytics : 05 - Reference Line
      QA-T1181Advanced Analytics : 05 / Reference Line
      QA-T1211Analytics - Analytics Widget Font customization
      QA-T1280Universal Template - Data types : 01 - Table-based analysis
      QA-T1281Universal Template - Single Value
      QA-T1283Dashboards Page - Dashboard Performance
      QA-T1351Number Formatting: 01 - Setting decimal places
      QA-T1368Frontline Copilot: 02 - Table chat
      QA-T1388Universal Template - Format Chart : 02 - Donut, Gauge, Boxplot, Single Value and Table
      QA-T1392Universal Template - Layers : 03 - Trend Line
      QA-T1393Universal Template - Layers : 01 - Control Chart Layer
      QA-T1394Universal Template - Layers : 02 - Forecast
      QA-T1395Universal Template - Layers : 02 / Forecast
      QA-T1396Universal Template - Layers : 03 / Trend Line
      QA-T1397Universal Template - Layers : 04 / Trend Line - Moving Average
      QA-T1398Universal Template - Layers : 04 - Trend Line - Moving Average
      QA-T1399Universal Template - Layers : 01 / Control Chart Layer
      QA-T1400Universal Template - Layers : 05 - Reference Line
      QA-T1401Universal Template - Layers : 05 / Reference Line


      No requirements