A Tulip automation is a method to continuously run logic in the cloud - it's always running in the background and can be triggered by events and take action.
The core element of automations are action and decision logic blocks. Action nodes execute some logic and return values and decision blocks
check for conditional logic - allowing users to branch paths.
Automations can interface with other Tulip models including but not limited to tables, connectors, and machines.
Name | Description |
Machine Activity Updated | Triggers an automation when machine activity is updated |
Machine Attribute Changed | Triggers an automation when machine attribute changes |
Table Record Added | Triggers an automation when a table record is added |
Table Record Updated | Triggers an automation when a table record is updated |
Table Record Deleted | Triggers an automation when a table record is updated |
Insight Detected | Triggers an auotmation when an insight is detected - this happens on an hourly basis |
On a Schedule | Triggers an automation when the specified time is reached - trigger can be set for hourly, daily, or weekly cadence |
Name | Description |
Get Table Record | An action that gets the relevant row from a specified table and record ID |
Create/Update Table Record | An action that creates or updates the relevant row in specified table |
Delete Table Record | An action that deletes the relevant row in specified table and record ID |
Email | An action that sends an email to a specified user with a header and body |
Send SMS | An action that sends a text to a specified user with with a message |
Run Connector Function | An action that runs a connector function |
Update Data | An action that updates a variable to later use in the specific automation |
Translate to | An action that translates a string given a country code |
Name | Description |
Name | A non unique string identifier of the automation |
Automation ID | The unique identifier of the automation |
Run History | A record of the last time that automation went through its logic. This includes a timestamp of when it ran and the success of the automation |
Current Version | The most recently published and approved version of the automation |
Last Published | A timestamp of the last change to the published version of the automation and the author's name |
Versions | A list of all published versions and snapshots of the automation, including the "development" version of the automation, which is unpublished |
Published | A timestamp of the last change to the version of that automation |
Activation Status | A boolean field taht determines whether the automation is active or deactivated |