
User Group

A user group can contain an unlimited nuumebr of users, and a user can be part of an unlimited number of groups. It is not connected to the roles of the users.

There can be up to 100 user groups in your Tulip instance.

User Groups allow you to assign more granular permissions to users based on their actual privileges in your production environment. You can decide whether these group memberships are determined by your IdP or not.

You can view where a User Group is referenced throughout Tulip on the User Groups page.


IDThe unique ID of the group
NameThe name of the group
DescriptionThe description of the group
Group membersA list of all members of the group
External ReferencesA list of all apps, automations, and approval types that reference the group


QA-T1353User Groups : 02 - Archive and restore user groups
QA-T1359User Groups: 01 - Can create/edit a user group and assign users to it
QA-T1362User Groups : 03 - User Groups can be assigned from the profile page
QA-T1363User Groups : 04 - User Groups list page functionality
QA-T1366User Groups : 05 - User Groups can approve apps
QA-T1376User Groups : 06 - User Groups can sign eSig widgets
QA-T1377User Groups : 07 - User Group where used UI


No requirements