
Account Usage Page


The Account Usage Page provides an interface for tracking the usage of your automations, machines, interfaces, copilot, and vision, collectively referred to as assets. This page can be accessed by Account Owners and Sysadmins.


Usage Bar Chart

  • A user can track historic asset usage on this page.
    • Bars representing the last complete month, the month before than, and the current month show the amount of total automations actions executed within that month.

Usage Card

  • A user can see the amount of asset action tasks/actions/active stations/machines in the last complete month in the left side usage card.

Usage Table

  • A user can see a tabular view of automations, machines, interfaces, copilot, and vision stations/actions/tasks that have executed in the last 3 months, or last month including: In general, users will see: Name/source of asset Link to asset For each asset type, users will see different details - listed below.


*   Total automation runs
*   Total tasks performed


* Station
* Active Days


* Current Station
* Active Operators
* Active Days

Frontline Copilot

* Workspace
* Total Actions


* Current Station
* Interface
* Workspace
* Active Operators
* Active Days

User Permissions

Only Account Owners can access the usage page.


No tests


No requirements