The Users page allows Users to
- View, edit and delete Users
- Access the Custom Fields for a User,
- Search for Users (by Name, Email or Badge ID),
- View Filtered Lists of Users and view last connection datetime or online since datetime.
- Export a list of all users and their roles and user IDs
- Users can Search for Users by clicking into the “Search users” field. Upon entering text, the Users are filtered to a list that only displays the Users with a Name, Badge ID or Email that match the entered text. The list is updated in real time without having to click a button.
- Users can filter the Users by Role by clicking “Filter” and selecting the User Roles from the Radio Options.
- Users can export a CSV of all users in the workspace or account and the following metadata for each user
- Full name
- ID
- Role in the workspace
- Badge ID
- Email Address
- Email Verification Status
- Archived- Yes or No
- Last online (compared to date of export)
- SAML authentication status- Whether a user has successfully logged in with SAML once
- Account Owner Users can Edit other Users’ information by clicking “Edit”.
- This presents the User with a page in which all information fields listed below can be modified:
- Profile Picture
- Role
- Account Creation Date
- Email
- Badge ID
- Phone Number
- Language
- Once the changes have been made, the User can click “Save” to save the changes made to the User’s information.
- Account Owners have the option to Deactivate users by clicking the “•••” button at the top right of the screen.
- Clicking the button presents the User with a confirmation modal, that upon clicking “Deactivate Users” deactivates the specified Users’ account.
- Account Owners can create Users by clicking on “Add user” at the top right of the screen.
- The button presents the users with an Add User modal, where the Users inputs the following information:
- Image
- Name (Required)
- Role (Required)
- Email (optional, can be added later)
- Badge ID (required if operator)
- Upon clicking “Add”, the newly created user receives an Email with the invitation to create the User Account and set a Password. These links expire after 24 hours. You can re-send this email after 5 minutes if required.
User Status
- A user can view the last time any other user logged in, or their status since they were invited
User Fields
- Each User has one record associated with it.
- User Table can be sorted by any column in ascending or descending order.
- User Fields and all values for all users can be exported via the "Export CSV" button in the top right of the User Fields page.
- Custom fields of the following data types can be created:
- Text
- Number
- Boolean
- Integer
- Interval
- Image
- User
- Datetime
- Color
- User
- Machine
- Account Owners can add custom fields to the Table.
- Account Owners can modify the data in each of the records for any of the columns.
- Account Owners can archive columns.
- Account Owners can delete data from records in any of the columns.
- Account Owners can modify specific column names and descriptions.
- Account Owners can modify column values for any of the User Records.
User Roles
- Users can view each role and the permissions associated with it
- Users can create new custom roles and assign users to them
- Users can archive custom roles after all users have been removed from the role.
- Users can edit the permissions on existing custom roles and reassign users to them
Any User with "viewing" permissions for users can...
- View the Users page.
- View the User Fields page.
- Export a CSV of all users and their metadata
- Export a CSV of all User Fields and their values for every user
Any User with "create" permissions for users can...
- Add, archive, and edit columns in User Fields.
- Modify values of each individual user within User Fields.
- Create new users.