User Roles : 16.4 - Application Approver role - Machines, Machine Types, Data Sources, Edge Devices, Vision
Verify that users with 'Application Approver' role:
- can read machines in Factory (BUT can't create/update/archive them)
- can read machines types (including attributes, activity fields, downtime reasons, and states) in Factory (BUT can't create/update/archive them)
- can read data sources in Factory (BUT can't create/update/archive them)
- can read edge devices in Factory (BUT can't create/update/remove them)
- can't access Vision page in Factory
This tests expects the following to be true:
- You are able to log into as an Application Approver
- You have access to the Tulip 1password account
- You have basic understanding of Tulip terminology
- The 'Machines' page should already have some machines on it.
- The 'Machine Types' page should already have some machine types, attributes, activity fields, downtime reasons, and states) on it.
- The 'Data Sources' page should already have some data sources on it.
- The 'Edge Devices' page should already have some edge devices on it.
- The 'Vision' page should already have some camera configurations, detectors, IP cameras and models on it.
- You are starting on
If you are doing this QA not on you will need to have different credentials and change all base urls
To https://<your instance>