
App version comparison - Navigate and view changes between two versions of an app

Verify that users can navigate to the app version comparison page and compare app versions.
Given user has the "appDiffs" feature flag enabled

And user is logged in as an "Administrator"

When user navigates to the apps page

And user creates a blank app

And user navigates to the "approvals" tab in the app

And user disables all approval types

And user navigates to the "versions" tab in the app

And user publishes from versions page with description "hello published version 1"

And user navigates to the "Steps" tab in the app

And user clicks on the "Edit" button

And user adds a "Button" widget to the app (using the "Buttons" menu at the top)

And user goes back from the app editor

And user navigates to the "versions" tab in the app

And user publishes from versions page with description "hello published version 2"

