
App Version Completion

A completion log is an append-only list of all "completion" events that occured for a given Tulip App. Each completion contains base fields ( Start Time, End Time, Duration, Logged in User, Station Name, Comments, Step Time, Version) as well fields that change from App to App depending on the steps, variables, and records defined for that App.


Each completion log contains the following fields

Start TimeThe time the App began running.
End TimeThe time when the "Complete" event occured.
DurationThe total time between the start and end time.
Logged in UserThe user that was logged in at the station as the App was running.
Station NameThe name of the station where the completion occured at the time it occured.
Station IDThe unique ID of the station where the completion occured
CommentsAny comments added to the completion.
Step TimeHow long was spent on each individual step.
Step ListA list of all steps and step groups in the app at the time of completion
VersionThe version of the App for which the completion occured.
VariablesThe value, at the time of the completion, for each variable in the App. Each value results in a distinct entry in the completion log.
RecordsThe value, at the time of the completion, for each record in the App. Each record results in a distinct entry in the completion log.
Application NameThe name of the application at the time that the app was completed
Application IDThe unique of the ID of the application where the completion was registered
Execution IDThe unique ID of the completion
CanceledIndicates whether the app was "canceled" in other words, halted before completion after being started. If a run of the app is cancesled, it is not considered in Analyses.


QA-T100Record Placeholders : 00 - Table Data Tab
QA-T108Signature Step : 03 - Signature form should allow any user to submit it when configured so
QA-T109Signature Step : 04 - Signature form should allow only the current user to submit it when configured so
QA-T110Signature Step : 05 - Signature forms should only be submittable a single time per process run
QA-T111Signature Step : 06 - Signature forms should display the user name and timestamp of submission in data exports
QA-T112Signature Step : 07 - Signature widgets should accept username and password in LDAP mode
QA-T207Completion Data can be set to be Ignored by Analytics
QA-T328Apps Page : 06 - App Completions Export Data
QA-T389Completions - Parallel Players have separate Completions