The Stations page allows the user to create, remove, group, and configure stations. Stations mirror real-world workstations and help encapsulate relationships between devices at a workstation.
The devices at a workstation can include:
- Display devices (tablets, laptops, phones)
- Gateways with connected devices
- Machines
In addition, users can see the live status of the app running at the station using the “Station Preview” window.
- Stations can be assigned a subset of apps they are allowed to run. A full list of apps is shown in a dropdown to accomplish this.
- A user on the Stations page can view the current step of the app that is running at that station
- A user can create a new station by clicking the Create Station button at the top right and selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown.
- Each panel on the page has an Edit button which allows the user to edit that piece of the station configuration. Specifically, users can update the app assignments, display devices, gateways, and timezone.
- In addition, once the station is selected, clicking the large name at the top of the page will allow the user to edit the station name.
- All stations are shown organized by group on the left of the page. Clicking a station name in the navigation pane will display its settings in the main body of the page.
- Once a station is selected, the user can click the “...” in the top right of the page and click “Remove Station”. The user will then be asked to confirm in a modal.
Station Group
- A user can create a new Station Group by clicking the Create Station button at the top right and selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown.
- By clicking the “...” next to the station group name in the navigation pane, the user can open an editing modal by clicking Edit Station Group.
- The modal allows the user to edit the name and notes for this Station Group.
- In addition, the user can move stations between groups by clicking and dragging them in the left navigation pane.
- All station groups are shown organized by parent group on the left of the page. If a station group has notes, they are listed underneath the group name in the left pane.
- By clicking the “...” next to the station group name in the navigation pane, the user can open an editing modal by clicking Edit Station Group. At the bottom of this modal is a large Delete Station Group button. Click this, then confirm on the following confirmation modal.
No other pages are directly related to the Station page.
A user with “view” permissions can view all assets on the page. They cannot access any of the “Edit” menus.
A user with “create”, “edit’ and “delete” permissions for the Station model can create, delete and edit all Models described above.