
Table Record

A Table Record, sometimes called a table row, represents a single object in a table. This object can be anything, but is constrained in that its properties correspond with the fields for this table (see Table Fields for details). Table records correspond with the database concept of a record.


Because table fields are generated by the user, tables records can have essentially any set of properties a user wants. The only exception is that every record must have an ID field (see Table Fields for details).

Name Description
Unique ID A unique text ID for the table record, determined when it is initially created
Fields All possible fields that can be edited for the record, determined by the active Table Fields within the Table
Deletion Status A boolean that determines whether the record is active or deleted


  • Users can add a new record by clicking the Create Record button on the Table Editor page (see Table Editor doc for details). When creating a record, the ID field is required and must be unique. Other fields are optional, but must be of the specified type if included.
  • Users can remove a record by right clicking it on the Table Editor page (see Table Editor doc for details). Records deleted this way are permanently deleted and cannot be restored. The values at the time of deletion can be exposed via the Record History Widget, however, and they can be recreated to match that state.
  • Users can update existing records at any time from the Table Editor page (see Table Editor doc for details). Users can update any field except the ID field.


QA-T92Table Management : 12 - Create table records from the table detail page
QA-T93Table Management : 13 - Sort table records by column in table view
QA-T94Table Management : 14 - Load multiple pages of table records in table view
QA-T133Record Placeholders : 07 - Delete Table Record
QA-T396Widgets - Digital History Record Widget
QA-T464Tables CSV Import : 01 - Import to table
QA-T466Tables CSV Import : 02 - Import feature data handling
QA-T467Tables CSV Import : 03 - Import from export
QA-T701Record Placeholders : 07 / Attempting to Delete Table Record
QA-T716Table Management : 12 / Failing to create table records from the table detail page


95Ability to view material information for a batch/lot in an App. Information includes all material as part of a material hierarchy, ie. cohort, plate, well, etc.)
127Disallow completion of work until all required processing steps have been performed. i.e. disallow batch close when there are incomplete processing steps.
197Ability to collaborate on definition of models including ability to simultaneously author/change model definition for equipment, material and production.
255Ability to verify that equipment (room, suite, area, etc.) meets routine cleaning requirements and prevent process start if cleaning status requirement is not met prior to start of processing.
289Ability to exclude a work order from the dispatch list.
295Verify that all required data has been entered and collected as prescribed by the step on completion. Disallow to progress on execution path if verification fails
326Ability to route and disposition materials based on sampling plans Eg. hold or future hold materials until sample testing results are available
327Ability to route and disposition materials based on results of sample testing (off-line) and/or quality testing (in-line) Eg. hold, reject, scrap, or release materials based on sample result
329Verify entered data is within configured limit and tolerances as configured in the Master Recipe or material workflow process step, and material model. Allow authorized override of this constraint based on configuration
330Ability to automatically or manually log an exception when data is not within configured limits and tolerances. Disallow process completion until exceptions have been logged with configured e-signatures and any authorized overrides have been processed e.g. supervisor signature, scrap, etc.
385Ability to track equipment location for mobile equipment. The equipment log will include the equipment's location history or path.
386All maintenance activities on equipment will be tracked and maintained as part of the equipment logs. i.e. calibration, PMs, repairs, etc.
388Ability to track material inventory and its physical location.
390Ability to track materials associations using the material tracking model. Ie. track physical material in tray location, trays in batches (Cohorts).
392Ability to track materials handled in load-carriers.
393Ability to track loading of material to a load-carrier and its location within the load carrier. Ie. material in a well, plate, flask, tank, tote, etc.
394Ability to track unloading of material from a load-carrier
406Ability to consume by pre-configured unit of measure (UoM) quantities such as weight, volume, etc.
427Ability to track material attributes during production operations with associated capabilities to browse their history and their trending e.g. temperature, assays, etc.
457Ability to define work order types to indicate special processing or release procedures. Ie normal, testing, prototype, validation, rush, etc.
848The ability to discern invalid or altered records. Ability to annotate data is changed. For GMP or critical data changes annotation can be configured as required.
900Equipment & cleaning log - The system must be able to create logs for registration of use, maintenance, calibration & cleaning of equipment and rooms.