
Settings - Network Access


The "IP Allowlist" is a set of IP addresses and CIDR blocks that are allowed to access Tulip web properties, including Tulip, the Player, Connector Hosts, Edge Devices, Machine Monitoring and SAML.

These are utilized by Tulip administrators to ensure that intellectual property within Tulip can only be accessed via specific networks.

Model/Page Connections

IP Allowlist


  • A user can enable the IP Allowlist for the entire account by pressing "Edit" in the top right of the screen and then using the toggle next to "Allowlist". This is confirmed when the word "Enabled" appears. The word "Disabled" will appear to confirm the change. Then the user must press "Save" in the top right to save the changes.


  • A user can edit the IP Allowlist for the entire account by pressing "Edit" in the top right of the screen and then either entering an IP address and pressing "Add", or pressing the trash icon next to an IP address that their current device is not using.


  • A user can view all permitted IP addresses and CIDR blocks on the list in the middle of the screen.


  • A user can turn off the IP Allowlist for the entire account by pressing "Edit" in the top right of the screen and then using the toggle next to "Allowlist". The word "Disabled" will appear to confirm the change. Then the user must press "Save" in the top right to save the changes.


This page can be accessed from:

User Permissions

A user with “edit” permissions for account settings can view, edit, create and delete items on the IP Allowlist.


QA-T511Network Access - Enabling the IP Allowlist


No requirements