
Table Query

Table Queries are lists of Table Records with dynamic parameters that can be defined within apps.

They are meant to be used to display a list of records to an operator, and allow the operator to select any one of the options shown on the screen.

Or, you can run aggregations on top of them within apps in order to summarize all the values in a column.

Table Queries are saved in their current state with every published version of an app. So, when a new version of an app is created, it cannot be changed by changing the rules of a Table Query.

Table Queries can only reference a single Table. IDs, along with metadata fields Date Created and Date Updated, are available by default for filters and sorting options.


NameThe name of the Table Query
IDThe unique ID of the Table Query
FiltersThere can be 0-many filters that define a Table Query. Some may be defined statically in the Table Query Editor, while others may be defined in an app. Filters limit the query's output to certain number of rows that match the specified condition.
Sorting RulesThere can be 0-many sorting functions in the query.
Limitthe maximum number of records that the query can return.
Linked AppsA list of all the development version of apps that reference the Table Query.

Here are the possible filter functions.

equalsWhere a value equals another value
does not equalWhere a value does not equal another value
is nullWhere a field is empty
is not nullWhere a field is not empty
containsWhere a field value contains a substring
does not containWhere a field value does not contain a substring
starts withWhere a field value starts with a substring
does not start withWhere a field value does not start with a substring
ends withWhere a field value ends with a substring
does not end withWhere a field value does not end with a substring
is inWhere an array of a single data type contains the field value
is not inReturns any values that do not match any of the items in a provided array
is greater thanWhere a field value is greater than a value
is less thanWhere a field value is less than a value
is equal toWhere a field value is equal to a value
is not equal toWhere a field value is not equal to a value
is greater than or equal toWhere a field value is greater than or equal to a value
is less than or equal toWhere a field value is less than or equal to a value
is afterWhere a datetime field value is after a value
is beforeWhere a datetime field value is before a value
is after or atWhere a datetime field value is after or equal to a value
is before or atWhere a datetime field value is before or equal to a value


QA-T570Table Queries : 01 - Create, Edit, Delete a Query
QA-T571Table Queries : 02 - Query Configuration
QA-T594Table Queries : 06 - Table Queries with App Inputs as Filters
QA-T595Table Queries : 08 - Editing and Deleting Queries, Aggregations in Published and Development Version Apps
QA-T700Table Queries : 02 / Query for an Archived Field
QA-T782Table Queries : 09 - Multiple table aggregations in one app


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