
Device Drivers : 03 - Zebra Printer - With LAN Port

Verifies functionality of the Zebra Printer Driver in Player.  Notes:  The Zebra printer only works with Windows Player  (NOT Mac).
NOTE: This test uses the LAN port connection during the test

You are testing on a Windows PC with a Player installed to it.
You have a running Edge device (Edge IO or Edge MC), registered to a Factory Instance
You have access to Device Portal
Player is running the Driver Unit test app
Zebra printer with ZebraNet adapter is connected to the same network as the Player running the test.

Setting up the test:
  • Connect the Zebra printer ethernet cable to the internet
  • Connect the WAN port of the Edge IO or MC to the internet with ethernet cable
  • Connect the LAN port of the Edge IO or MC to your PC with ethernet cable
  • Enable Zebra printer driver in Device Portal
  • Save page
  • Connect Zebra printer using ip address (get that from office network)
  • Make sure printer is working- reinstall sticker spool if needed
  • Check in factory if printer is connected to the edge device (under Stations page)
  • Once check is complete- do the following
    1) print barcode 2) print label

The Zebra printer driver might need an IP, a ZPL code and a template name to be added:

IP of Printer:
This is the IP address of the printer

Zpl Code:
You can add a Zpl code here that will be converted into a text when printed.
You can create Zpl codes here:
If you don't have time, you can add the following code, which translates to 'Hello World':

^FO220,50^FDHello World^FS


Name of Template:
Add a name to the template. Use 'ZPL-Template' if you like.

