
Machine Kit : 04 - Setting up Machine Kit with wired AP during Edge device registration

Can set up machine kit with Edge MC or Edge IO on wired AP ( from factory reset of the device

(Note: This test case corresponds to Test 2 on Feature ticket PLAT-18907:

Test 2

Happy path (ethernet), can set up machine kit on from factory reset.


  • No node-red flows exist

  • Connected to wired AP (LAN,

Check that: 

  • Selection shows as 4th step of registration wizard

  • Selecting and confirming machine kit bring directly to with install message

  • Clicking install brings you directly to Tulip.

  • Node-RED is enabled and the machine kit flow is deployed.

  • You are registering a new Edge device or one after a factory reset
  • Your Edge device is connected to your computer through wired LAN ( with an ethernet cable
  • No node-red flows exist for Edge MC or Edge IO (i.e. factory reset) 
  • You have phidgets hub and current clamp plugged into device

