
Regular Step

A Regular Step defines the layout and logic for a portion of an app.

Regular Steps allow for widgets to be placed and sized as needed by the user. This creates myriad possibilities for interactions and visualization when creating and running an app.

The User can add the following widgets to Regular Steps:

  • Icons
    • Images
    • Actions
    • Alerts
    • Analytics
    • Arrows & Lines
    • Assembly
    • Audio
  • Buttons
    • Button
    • Previous
    • Menu
    • Next
    • Complete
  • Inputs
    • Checkbox
    • Text
    • File
    • Number
    • Speech-to-Text
    • Single Select
    • Multiselect
    • Date Picker
    • Signature
  • Text
    • Text
    • Variable
    • Table Record
  • Embed
    • Analysis
    • Image
    • Video
    • Document
    • CAD
    • Webpage
    • Gauge
    • Grid
    • Machine Attribute
    • Machine Status
    • Machine Uptime
    • Interactive Table
    • Record History
    • Barcode
    • Step Timer
  • Camera
    • IP Camera
    • Vision Camera
    • Barcode Scanner
  • Custom
    • {List of Customer Widgets}


Step Name of step as defined by the user
Step Options (gear icon) A series of options related to the step and all widgets that it contains
Step Cycle Time Target duration that a step is expected to take when it is run as defined by the user.
Background The color of the step background
Triggers Collection of triggers that will run on certain events (e.g. On Step Enter, Timer, Machines & Devices, On Step Exit)
Step Resolution The aspect ratio of the step for when it is run in the Tulip Player.
Step Comments Collection of comments that can be added from the app builder or the Tulip Player. Comments cannot be edited and are associated with specific versions of an app.
Notes Freeform text comments that can be used to describe the purpose of a step or additional information.


QA-T583Step Tab - Step and Step Group Configuration


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