Table Aggregation

Table Aggregations allow users to summarize any field in a Table Query

They are combined with Table Queries within the App Builder so that these aggregation values can react in real-time to changes in the records that are included in the Table Query.

Table Aggregations are saved in their current state with every published version of an app. When a new version of an app is created, the behavior of Table Aggregations included in that version will not be changed by changing the configuration of those Table Aggregations in their respective tables.

Table Aggregations can only reference a single Table Query


NameThe name of the Table Aggregation
IDThe unique ID of the Table Aggregation
CalculationThe summary function that is performed by the Aggregation. Choices include: Average, Count, Max, Min, Mode, Sum, Unique Values
FieldThe field in the Table Query that the calculation is applied to


Aggregations are performed on the records returned by the Table Query they are configured for. Therefore, the limit set for the parent Table Query of an Aggregation also applies to the Aggregation.

This means that Aggregations can consider a maximum of 1,000 records. They might therefore show unexpected results if the table has more records for the given filters than the limit and the user is not aware of the query limit.

If a user needs to aggregate over more than 1,000 records for use in an App, the runAggregation endpoint of the Tulip API, which supports up to 100,000 records, can be used via a connector function. If only visualizing an aggregation of more records is needed, a Single Value analysis with Tulip Analytics which allows aggregating over all records in a Table can be used.


QA-T572Table Queries : 03 - Create, Edit, Delete an Aggregation
QA-T573Table Queries : 04 - Aggregation Configuration
QA-T595Table Queries : 08 - Editing and Deleting Queries, Aggregations in Published and Development Version Apps
QA-T596Widgets - Record History Widget
QA-T703Table Queries : 07 - Unique value aggregation
QA-T721Table Queries : 03 / Can't edit a saved Aggregation without clicking 'Edit'
QA-T782Table Queries : 09 - Multiple table aggregations in one app
QA-T1032Table Queries : 08 - Aggregation types


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