
Machine Kit : 05 - Setup Machine Kit from Quick Configuration page without Node-Red

Can setup machine kit for Edge MC and Edge IO from Quick Configuration page without Node-RED

(Note: This test case corresponds to Test 3 on Feature ticket PLAT-18907:

Test 3

Can setup machine kit from Quick Configuration page if set up without Node-RED.


  • No Node-RED flows exist.

  • Device is registered.

  • On device IP, not AP.

Check that:

  • Selection shows on Quick Config.

  • Prompts to deploy flows, no mention of active flows.

  • Clicking install brings you directly to Tulip.

  • Node-RED is enabled and the machine kit flow is deployed.)

  • Edge device is already registered to your factory instance
  • Remote access is enabled (connected to device over IP address (not AP))
  • You have a phidgets hub & current clamp, but they are NOT plugged into the device
  • No Node-RED flows exist

