

An Analysis is a visual display of data from the following data sources within Tulip

  • App (single or many)
  • Table (single)
  • Machine (single or many)

App: Data is organized around App Completions from the past

Table: Data is current values in Table Rows

Machine: Data is past events from OPC tags that are stored in attributes

It is defined via:

  1. A “Chart Template” that determines the type of display- bar chart, table etc.
  2. A set of configuration fields and their current values. The available configuration fields depend on the Chart Template.

This doc will review all the possible configuration fields for each chart template and data source combination.

Fields For All Chart Templates

Name Description
Name Name of the Analysis
Sharing Refresh Seconds- the frequency that the visual display will refresh with new data. Minimum 5 seconds.

Public Link - An optional public link that will allow anyone to view data in the analysis

Download Image- Download the current state of the analysis in a PNG image

Apps (Apps data source only) A list of apps that act as a data source for this analysis
Compare By A categorical value that will determine if the baars should be split up by different colors
Date Range (apps only) The date range for values that will be considered in this chart based on when the app completion with the data point occurred
Filters Any exclusion or inclusion rules for data in this chart
Table (table data source only) The table data source for the analysis
Date Range (tables only) The date range for values that will be considered in this chart based on when the table row was created
Machine (machine data source only) The machines under a specific machine type that will be considered in the analysis
Date range (machine data source only) The date range for values from OPC tags that should be considered based on when the OPC tag outputted a value
Display A series of options to change the display of data on the chart, including:

Show Target Cycle Time: Show the goal process cycle time from the first app added to the Analysis

Switch X Axis and Colors: Switch the “Compare By” and “X Axis” values

Hide Legend: Hide the legend on top of the chart

Hide X Axis Label

Hide X Axis Tick Labels

Hide Y Axis Tick Labels

Customize Change the way that names of different variables, table data, machine data, and summary operations appear on the chart

One Operation

This displays one variable or table field on the X axis and a numerical value on the Y axis.

Name Description
X Axis The data point whose values will determine the categorization of data on the graph
Y Axis The numerical data point that will be organized based on the X Axis values
Display Chart Types

Bar Chart, Donut Chart, Line Chart, Pareto Chart, Dot Plot

Compare Variables (bar chart)

This displays multiple numerical or boolean variables or table fields on the X axis and a numerical value on the Y axis.

Name Description
X Axis (apps data only) Choose the variables with numerical or boolean values that you would like to compare on the chart
Y Axis The numerical values that you would like to compare on the chart
Display Chart Types

Stacked Bar Chart

Grouped Bar Chart

Multiseries Line Chart

Grouped Dot Plot

X Axis (table data only) Choose the table fields with numerical or boolean values that you would like to compare on the chart
X Axis (machine data only) Choose the machine fields with numerical or boolean values that you would like to compare on the chart

Multiple Operations (bar chart)

This displays multiple numerical or boolean variables or table fields on the X axis and up to 2 numerical Y axes. Only the Y axis related to the first defined operation will be shown.

Name Description
X Axis (apps data only) Choose the variables that you would like to compare on the chart
Compare Choose the 2 different Y axes that you would like to show on the chart
Display Chart Types

Stacked Bar Chart

Grouped Bar Chart

Multiseries Line Chart

X Axis (machine fields only) Choose the machine fields that you would like to compare on the chart

Results on X Axis (bar chart)

This shows individual app completions on the X axis and a numerical or boolean value on the Y Axis.

Name Description
Y Axis The list of numerical variables or table fields to compare for each individual app completion
Display Chart Types

Bar Chart, Donut Chart, Line Chart, Pareto Chart, Dot Plot

Scatter Plot

This shows one numerical table field or variable on the x axis and a numerical value on the Y axis.

Name Description
X Axis Choose the variables with numerical values that you would like to compare on the chart X axis
Y Axis Choose the variables with numerical values that you would like to compare on the chart Y axis
Sorting The direction of the X axis- either values are either increasing or decreasing

Also includes a “limit” input to limit the number of data points on graph

Display Chart Type


Single Number

This shows a single numerical value. Can be whole number or percentage.

Name Description
Number (app data only) Specify the numerical value that should be displayed
Number (table data only) The numerical value that should be shown based on a single value from a Table Row or a rollup value from multiple Table Rows
Number (machine data only) The numerical value derived from a rollup of many Machine State Changes


This shows a single Image variable or table field with any user-defined text variables or table fields alongside it. There is one “slide” in the “slideshow” per app completion.

Name Description
Image Determines which image variable should be used in each step of the slideshow
Columns Additional data points from the app completion that should be shown alongside the image in the slideshow


Tables show single rows of data per app completion OR rows for each value of a user-defined variable in the “Groupings” section. For example, one row per user.

Name Description
Groupings Determines what should make up a row in the table- either individual values from app completions or common values across many app completions
Operations The columns that should be shown for each grouping- can be numerical or categorical
Sorting The order of rows- can be based on a numerical value in any column

Also includes a “limit” input to limit the number of data points on graph


QA-T101Analytics : 00 - Table Analytics
QA-T134Record Placeholders : 00 - Delete Record Placeholder
QA-T208Analytics Widget
QA-T259Machine Analytics
QA-T280Filter an embedded app analysis
QA-T281Filter an embedded machine analysis
QA-T353Analytics - Single Number Template
QA-T354Analytics - One Operation Template
QA-T355Analytics - Compare Variables Template
QA-T356Analytics - Multiple Axes Template
QA-T357Analytics - Table Template
QA-T358Analytics - Slideshow Template
QA-T359Analytics - Analytics Sharing
QA-T360Analytics - Analytics Copying
QA-T361Analytics - Analytics Refresh Rates