
A widget is a specific rectangular region on a step that allows an operator to interact with data and media in a way determined by the app author. Some widgets are quite simple, for example a button, or can be quite complicated such as an embedded Tulip Table that allows an operator to browse and find a specific record.

Field types common for all widgets:

Positionthe x and y coordinates of the top left of the widget on the step
Sizethe width and height of the widget
Transformthe rotation of the widget (0 - 360)
Blinkyes/no if enabled the widget will slowly fade in and out

Common fields on many widget types:

Font Sizethe size of the font (in pixel values)
Font ColorAn RGB or RGBA value
Font Styleyes/no values for bolding, italic and underline
Text Alignone of left, center, or right
Vertical Alignone of top, center or bottom
BackgroundAn RGB or RGBA value
Drop Shadowyes/no if dropshadow is enabled it can be specified by its color, x offset, y offset, and blur offset
Label SizeThe font size for a label that corresponds to a value
Label ColorThe font color for a label that corresponds to a value
Value SizeThe font size for a value
Value ColorThe font color for a value
Border ColorThe color of the widget border
Border WidthThe width of the border
Border RadiusEither a single value that applies to all four corners, or four separate values for each corner

Widgets by Type:


Used for showing formatted static text information. Text implements Font Size, Font Color, Font Style, Text Align, Vertical Align, Background, Drop Shadow and:

Textthe text value to present


The variable widget can be used to display variables of many different types. a simple variable, list of variables, complex variable, or a single field of a complex variable. The display ouput and display options and configuration options are conditional on the type of variable of selected to display:

Single value variables, or single field value

  • Image URL Variable - The image will be rendered.
  • Variables that render as text - Text that implements Font Size, Font Color, Font Style, Text Align, Vertical Align, Background

Complex Variable

The widget will display a collection of labeled values for the specified fields. The options include Label Size, Label Color, Value Size, Value Color, Background and:

FieldsThe fields of the object to display
ColumnsWhether to show 1, 2 or 3 columns

Array of Complex Variables

The widget will display a datagrid of rows and columns of the fields the user selects to show. The implements these fields:

FieldsThe fields of the object to display
Fit to widthyes/no whether the table should resize its columns to fit the alloted width

Step Name

A shortcut way to add the Variable widget with the data already set to the Step Name variable.

Table Record

Displays either one field of a record placeholder or several fields. Depending on whether several fields or a single field is chosen, the options match the variable widget options.


A button widget allows a user to build interactive apps, by assigning any number of triggers to the button click event. Button implements Font Size, Font color, Font Style, Background (called Button Color), Drop Shadow, Border Radius and:

TextThe label of the button
TriggersAny number of triggers to fire when the button is clicked.

Previous, Menu, Next & Complete Buttons

These are shortcut buttons that include the corresponding trigger, the appropriate label, and an icon next to the label that symbolizes the action. Users can ovverride the text and triggers, but the icon will always be appended to the text.


Input widgets allow operators to modify variables values. Each input type accepts the variable type for which it is designed.


  • Used for editing boolean variables. Fields:

    Dislay ModeCheckbox or Toggle
    ColorIn checkbox mode this controls the color of the checkmark, in toggle it controls the color of the toggle when set to true.


  • Used for editing text variables. Implements Font Size, Font Color, Background Color, Border Color, Border Width, and:

    Multiple LinesWhether the text displayed should respect multiline formatting.


  • Used for editing number variables. Implements Font Size, Font Color, Background Color, Border Color and Border Width

Single Select

  • Used for selecting a value from a list that will update a text variable. Implements Font Size, Font Color, Background Color and:

    Display ModeDropdown or Menu -- Whether to render a selectable dropdown that shows the options when clicked, or show the options in a visible menu
    OptionsThe options can either be statically input in a list, or a text array variable can be selected


  • Used from selecting multiple text variables that will update a text array variable. It has the same options as Single Select except the variable options are text arrays instead of text variables.


  • Used for edting datetime variables. The widget shows a calendar and time picker for specifying a datetime value. The widget implements Font Size, Font Color, Background Color, Border Color and Border Width.


Analyses can be embedded in apps, and offer more customization options than on a dashboard:

BackgroundThe background color
TitleDefault, Custom or None
Show "Last Updated"yes/no whether to show the last updated information on the analysis widget
FiltersThis control is only available once an analysis has been specified. Users can define custom filters that utilize app variables


A static image. The widget implements Drop Shadow, Border Radius and:

UploadThe image to show. App authors add from their local machine.
Respect aspect ratioIf the image has been resized to an aspect ratio that does not match its actual value, it can be reset to a width and height that matches its actual aspect ratio
Show "Last Updated"yes/no whether to show the last updated information on the analysis widget
Click acionNone, Show Image Fullscreen or Custom Triggers - By default in an app clicking on the image widget will show a full screen view for the operator to see more detail. App authors can remove this function or specify custom triggers for clicking the image.


A static video. The widget implements:

UploadThe video to show. App authors add from their local machine or specify a Youtube link.
Autoplayyes/no if true the video will start playing on step enter
Loopyes/no whether the video automatically starts over when reaching the end


A static pdf file. The widget shows paging and zoom controls. The widget implements:

UploadThe pdf to show
Pagethe number of the page to show initially
Hide Controlsyes/no whether to show the zoom and paging controls


Embeds an iframe with a statically specified url or variable referencing a url. The widget implements:

URLFixed or Variable


A vertical gauge that visually shows a value with respect to a min and a max. The widget implements Font Size, Font Color, Background Color and:

Fill Colorthe color of the region representing the filled in value
Marker Colorthe color of the triangular indicator of the current value
Required Rangethe min and max of the end points

Tulip Table

Embeds a Tulip Table in the app. The widget imlplements Background Color, Font Size and:

Tablewhich table to show
Linked Placeholderwhen a row is clicked the linked placeholder will be updated to reference the row clicked
ColumnsA list of fields to display
FiltersUsers can define filters, using app variables, that control which rows will be displayed
Sort ByNo value or select a field. If a user selects a field they can also pick sort direction

Machine Attribute

Renders a Machine Attribute in the app. The widget imlplements Color for Background, Chart Background and Line; Font Size and Color for Label, Value and Timestamp.

MachineThe machine which holds the attribute
AttributeThe attribute to display
UnitA text string to represent the units for the data being displayed.
ChartToggle to show or hide a chart of the data within the widget. Only displayed for numeric attributes
Chart HeightHeight of chart (in pixels)

Machine Status

Renders the most recent Machine State of a machine, the duration in that state and selected Machine Attributes in the app.

MachineThe machine to display
Machine TypeThe type of the machine to display
Activity History FieldsA list of Machine Activity History columns to display.
ColumnsThe number of columns to use when displaying data
Display Size(S / M / L) Options for the size of the text and header of the widget.
Show HeaderToggle to show or hide the header of the Widget

Machine Uptime

Renders the Machine State changes for a machine over a selected timeframe, as a timeline. Implements Color for Background.

MachineThe machine to display
Past # of HoursThe duration of the timeline
Show Total UptimeToggle to show or hide the percentage a machine has been in 'uptime' for the duration displayed


QA-T56Variable Widget : 01 - Simple variables in canvas can be changed to compound variables
QA-T57Variable Widget : 02 - Record View: Compound variables can be used with triggers
QA-T58Variable Widget : 03 - Simple variables can have their size, color, and style options modified.
QA-T59Variable widget : 04 - Compound variables can reorder, delete and restore feilds
QA-T60Variable widget : 05 - Compound variables can have their size, color, and style options modified.
QA-T61Variable widget : 06 - Magic variables can have their size, color, and style options modified.
QA-T62Variable widget : 07 - Testing variables and compound variables in app
QA-T98Record Placeholders : 00 - Load Table Records Trigger, and Table Record Widget
QA-T153Widgets - Photo Form Input Widget
QA-T157Widgets - Boolean Input Widget
QA-T160App Editor Misc - Verify Keyboard Shortcuts Work
QA-T208Analytics Widget
QA-T234Variable Widget : 08 - Table Records Can be Styled
QA-T241Embedded Tables : 00 - Embed a Tulip Table in an app
QA-T242Embedded Tables : 00 - Sort an embedded table
QA-T243Embedded Tables : 00 - Connect an embedded Tulip Table to a Table record
QA-T244Embedded Tables : 00 - Filter an embedded table
QA-T245Embedded Tables : 00 - Handle deleted fields in embedded tables
QA-T246Embedded Tables : 00 - Handle a Tulip Table change in an embedded table
QA-T257Machine Monitoring : 07 - Machine Widgets
QA-T280Filter an embedded app analysis
QA-T281Filter an embedded machine analysis
QA-T338Widgets - Shapes Widget (and aesthetic changes)
QA-T339Widgets - Text Widget
QA-T340Widgets - Button Widget
QA-T341Widgets - Image Widget
QA-T342Widgets - Video Widget
QA-T343Widgets - Document Widget
QA-T344Widgets - Webpage Widget
QA-T345Widgets - Timer Widget
QA-T348Master Layout - Master Layout
QA-T351App Editor Misc - Step Overload