
App Completions


The App Completions page allows users to view historical data created by a given application, as generated by the execution of an app completion.

Completion data is viewed as a table that can be filtered by date range or version of the application.

The App Completions page also permits users to export completion data as a CSV or print the page as a PDF.

Model/Page Connections



  • A user can view all completions separated out by app version in the list in the middle of the screen.
  • The user can use the version selector on the left side of the screen to filter which version(s) to display
  • Each completion record has a timestamp associated with it. The date selectors above the list of completions allow users to filter records by the associated timestamp
  • The completion data does not show all data simultaneously. The completions are split up onto pages and the user may navigate between pages using the “left” and “right” arrows above the Completion list.
  • A user can download the completion data on the screen as a CSV file using the “Export Data” button above the completion list.
  • A user can print all data in a list using the “Print Current Page as PDF” button under “Export Data”.
  • A user can view the time spent on every step within each app completion by clicking the highlighted “Start Time” text, which will reveal the “Completion Details” page.
  • A user can export all step times for each individual completion by clicking the “Export data” button in the top right of the “Completion Details” page.



  • A user can prevent individual app completions from being included in all analytics by unchecking the box in the “Include In Analytics” column. This will change the data displayed in analytics when the analysis is refreshed.

User Permissions

All users that can “view” apps can also view all completions and export them to PDF.


QA-T100Record Placeholders : 00 - Table Data Tab
QA-T108Signature Step : 03 - Signature form should allow any user to submit it when configured so
QA-T109Signature Step : 04 - Signature form should allow only the current user to submit it when configured so
QA-T110Signature Step : 05 - Signature forms should only be submittable a single time per process run
QA-T111Signature Step : 06 - Signature forms should display the user name and timestamp of submission in data exports
QA-T112Signature Step : 07 - Signature widgets should accept username and password in LDAP mode
QA-T134Record Placeholders : 00 - Delete Record Placeholder
QA-T207Completion Data can be set to be Ignored by Analytics
QA-T267User Roles : 08 - Viewers should be unable to modify data in Tulip
QA-T328Apps Page : 06 - App Completions Export Data
QA-T347Form Step - Running the Form Step
QA-T349App Editor Misc - Player Menu
QA-T389Completions - Parallel Players have separate Completions