
User Profile


A User Profile allows Users to view and modify User Account settings for others Users within the Account.

The available fields are:

  • Profile Image
  • Name
  • User Role
  • Badge ID
  • Phone Number
  • Language

Model/Page Connections



  • A User can view the following information for other Users within the Account:
    • Profile Image
    • User Name
    • User Role
    • Since (Creation Date for User)
    • Email
    • Badge ID
    • Language


  • A user can set the Profile Image by clicking “Add Image”. This will present the User with a file explorer view that allows Users to select any .png, .jpg, or .jpeg file type that is accessible on their local machine. Clicking “Open” will set the selected image to the User Image for the specified User.
  • A User can modify the “Name” by selecting the text input field and updating the “Name”. Clicking outside of the text field will update the specified User’s “Name”.
  • The Email field cannot be modified.
  • A User can modify the “Badge ID” for the specified User by selecting the text input field and updating the “Badge ID”. Clicking outside of the text field will update their “Badge ID”.
  • Users can add a Phone Number by clicking “Add a Phone Number”. This will present a modal that allows Users to enter their Country and Phone Number. Clicking “Send Verification Email” sends the User a 6-digit code that they enter in the 6 fields present on the Modal. After Clicking “Verify”, if the correct Code was entered, the Phone Number is associated with the specified User.
  • The User can define the Specified User’s Language by clicking the “Language” dropdown. The options are:
    • Browser Default
    • English (American)
    • English (British)
    • Deutsch
    • Español
    • Français
    • Italiano
    • 日本語
    • 简体中文
    • Polski

User Role


  • User Roles can be modified by clicking “Edit” in the top right of the screen and then clicking the name of the User Role.

User Status


  • Users’ Status is viewed with one of the following three options:
    • Invited
    • Active (with date of last activity or current activity duration)
    • Inactive


A user can access and return to the Users Page from the following Pages…

User Permissions

Any user with the "view" permissions for Users can view the User Profile page.

Any user with the "edit" permissions for Users can edit a user's information on the User Profile page.


QA-T261User Roles : 03 - Account Owners can edit other users' profiles
QA-T264User Roles : 05 / Administrators should not be able to manage users
QA-T387User Management : 11 - User Deactivation
QA-T708User Roles : 05 - Administrator role
QA-T804User Management : 12 - User Permission after Reactivation


PLAT-8899 (43)All user maintenance activities shall be recorded.