
User Field

User Fields are custom fields that are defined by a user with “edit” access for the User Model.

These are commonly used for training matrices and work order assignments.

User Fields can be updated in real-time by any app once they are created.

A Tulip account can have up to 100 total User Fields.

Every User Field has a unique ID. Even if two fields have the same name, they can be distinguished by their unique ID.

Once a user field is created, it is permanently stored in the Tulip account. It can be “deactivated” so that the user is no longer allowed to see it.


Name Description
Name The user-facing name of the field
Description A user-defined description of the field.
Data Type A type from the following list:
  • Text
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • Interval
  • Image
  • User
  • Datetime
  • Color
ID A unique ID automatically generated by Tulip.


QA-T235User Table : 01 - User Table
QA-T520User Table : 02 - Users Table Export


378Ability to assign operators to equipment or equipment group at login.