
Preparation & Dispatching

Verify the following URS's:
  • 90 - Ability to configure job aids for assistance. e.g. click on "help" to get instructions or show how-to procedure
  • 274 - Ability to start processing for work orders by starting to track material (batches, lots, units, etc.). Tracking information should respect tracking hierarchy (kits, trays, wells, flasks, jigs, etc.)
  • 276 - Work order have to be approved and released for production before any material can be started. Ie starting batches/lots
  • 277 - Ability to view dispatching list by equipment. Ie for any element of the equipment hierarchy such as area, machine, work center, etc.
  • 278 - Dispatch priority of work orders and batches/lots can be controlled using predefined configurable dispatching strategies
  • 288 - Ability to track dispatching of work orders and materials to production once they are released.
  • 289 - Ability to exclude a work order from the dispatch list.
  • 456 - Ability to define and dispatch work orders for the different segments of the manufacturing operation.
  • 457 - Ability to define work order types to indicate special processing or release procedures. Ie normal, testing, prototype, validation, rush, etc.
The app "Preparation & Dispatching" has been created:

The tables *Hierarchy Child Table and *Work Orders have been created.

Make sure that some records in the *Hierarchy Child Table have nothing or "No" in the "Consumed" table column.

