

A step is a specific page within an app that is displayed to the user when the app is run. Only a single step can be viewed at a time. There are three types of steps:

  • Regular steps contain a user defined arrangement of widgets that allow for many types of visualizations and interactions.
  • Form steps only contain input widgets, and in an enforced column/row layout.
  • Approval steps The same as a form step but it also contains an e-signature widget for approving the value captured by the approval step.


Step Name of step as defined by the user
Step Cycle Time Target duration that a step is expected to take when it is run as defined by the user.
Columns Number of columns that will be used to display the widgets on the form step.
Background The color of the step background
Triggers Collection of triggers that will run on certain events (e.g. On Step Enter, Timer, Machines & Devices, On Step Exit)
Step Resolution The aspect ratio of the step for when it is run in the Tulip Player.
Step Comments Collection of comments that can be added from the app builder or the Tulip Player. Comments cannot be edited and are associated with specific versions of an app.
Notes Freeform text comments that can be used to describe the purpose of a step or additional information.


QA-T160App Editor Misc - Verify Keyboard Shortcuts Work
QA-T505Copying Triggers : 04 - Copying and pasting Step Triggers
QA-T515Master Layout - Widget triggers
QA-T516Master Layout - Step and App Triggers


PLAT-8747 (302)Ability to re-execute process step with override of constraints of the process step configuration in the Master Recipe or material workflow. In such a case an extra e-signature can be required.
PLAT-8748 (301)Ability to re-execute process step respecting any constraints of the process step configuration in the process flow.
PLAT-8750 (300)Provide a managed and authorized way to capture (log) and document any comments or exceptions during process execution.
PLAT-8754 (358)Provide configurable way to review exceptions
PLAT-8764 (297)Provide a managed and authorized way to capture (log) and document any deviation from normal process execution as exceptions. An exception log will include a reason, risk category, and comments.
PLAT-8804 (150)Ability to define steps and procedural elements that are triggered by time-based events such as timers or date-time.
PLAT-8806 (148)Ability to provide multi-media work instructions
PLAT-8808 (147)Ability to provide formatted textual work instructions
PLAT-8810 (133)Ability to parameterize a process and production model definitions. Ie. create generic definition using parameterization that are substituted by specific production order information prior to release to production.
PLAT-8815 (154)Ability to use process values from previous process steps in any procedural element or step workflow.
PLAT-8819 (27)Provide a managed way to define label templates and formats with process and operation specific parameters. Ie. parameters are replaced with specific values when labels are processed for printing during process execution
PLAT-8827 (98)Ability to view current process step in the context of the executing production model.
PLAT-8833 (55)Provide a managed way to subscribe or install content in a specific workstation or processing area
PLAT-8841 (289)Ability to exclude a work order from the dispatch list.
PLAT-8850 (118)Ability to configure steps and states for work on orders, materials or equipment in a workflow
PLAT-8902 (817)Ability to require multiple electronic signatures for a record. Ie co-signer, verifier, etc.
PLAT-8923 (405)Ability to manage and track material consumption as part of a process step. Material consumption may include processing, weighing, dispensing, etc.
PLAT-8962 (67)Ability to build apps consisting of a number of pre-configured app components. ie for modularity and consistency
PLAT-8966 (78)All contents have to guide operators thru the process steps in an easy intuitive manner. Ie. easy navigation between process steps
PLAT-8982 (87)Content screens can be populated to the extent possible based on context of entered data. Ie. text fields, drop downs for users to selection, etc.
PLAT-8987 (79)All content has to display the current process step that is being worked on