
Connector Environment

A connector environment is a named configuration for how to connect to a datasource. Connector environments define the information needed to authenticate to the HTTP or SQL data source.

Fields for all connectors environments:

NameEither production, staging or development
Connector HostA cloud or local computer that actually runs the connector function code.
PortThe communication endpoint. More info

Additional fields for SQL connector environments:

SSLWhether to use Secure Sockets Layer. see more
TypeThe type of database. Tulip supports:
Microsoft SQL Server
Snowflake DB
DatabaseThe name of the database
UserThe name of the user to authenticate the request
PasswordThe password used to authenticate the request

Additional fields for HTTP connector environments:

TLSWhether to use Transport Layer Security. See More
HeadersOptional key/value pairs to include in the request header. See More
Authentication TypeOne of 3 authentication types:

No Auth: No authentication specified
Basic Auth: Authenticate via username and password
OAuth 2 (bearer token): Authenticate via prefix and token
Oauth 2 (admin) If a connector function is called, the call will be authenticated with a Tulip user's credentials
Oauth 2 (operator): If a connector function is called, the call will be authenticated with an operator's credentials that they enter after starting an app in the Tulip Player

If the environment uses "Basic Auth" or any "Oauth 2" method, the appropriate credentials must also be saved for that environment.
UsernameRequired if using "Basic Auth"
PasswordRequired if using "Basic Auth"
PrefixRequired if using "Oauth 2 - Bearer token"
TokenRequired if using "Oauth 2- Bearer token"
Redirect URLRequired if using "Oauth 2- Admin" or "Oauth 2- Operator
Authorization Code URLRequired if using "Oauth 2- Admin" or "Oauth 2- Operator
Access Token URLRequired if using "Oauth 2- Admin" or "Oauth 2- Operator
Client IDRequired if using "Oauth 2- Admin" or "Oauth 2- Operator
Client SecretRequired if using "Oauth 2- Admin" or "Oauth 2- Operator
ScopeRequired if using "Oauth 2- Admin" or "Oauth 2- Operator
Send token request data as JSONA boolean value that determines whether request data will be sent as query params or in the request body
Send Authentication Header for refresh requestA boolean value that determines behavior of refresh requests. A true value will send Authentication Header on refresh.


QA-T580Dev Mode Settings - Dev Mode Configuration
QA-T581Connectors : 02 - Environment Configuration
QA-T793Connectors : 03 - Filtering and searching connectors
QA-T794Connectors : 04 - "Where Used" app links
QA-T795Connectors : 05 - "Where Used" app links on different workspaces
QA-T796Connectors : 06 - Connector functions search and "Where Used" app links
QA-T802Connectors versioning : 01 - Connectors in published apps


PLAT-8777 (59)Ability to integrate legacy equipment or devices as an IIoT end-point
PLAT-8873 (828)Only approved connector configuration are available for production execution activities