List of Releases

ReleaseLinkPublished DateRevision NumberRevision details
LTS4 2, 20201
LTS5 30, 20211
LTS5 19, 20212Fixes several broken links
LTS6 21, 20211
LTS6 10, 20212Fixes several broken links
LTS7 14, 20221
LTS8 11, 20221
LTS9 14, 20221
LTS9 3, 20232Fixes missing description for user requirements that have not been implemented
LTS10 17, 20231
LTS10 19, 20232Several updates made to both Release Notes and Bugs Fixed. Please reach out to your CSM for a full listing of the changes, if needed.
LTS11 31, 20231
LTS11 22, 20232Updates made to Release Notes and M_ACTIVITY product specification.
LTS12 19, 20241