
App Dashboard


The App Dashboard allows Users to View, Create, Modify and Delete Analytics pertaining to the App Completion data.

It can be modified in the following ways:

  • With Analytics present, Users can re-Format the Page and Organize the Apps in the desired Layout.
  • With Analytics present, Users can add Columns by clicking the “Add Column” button (top right).
  • With Analytics present, Users can add Analyses by clicking the “Add Analysis” button (top right).
  • Users can Add and Remove Columns.
  • Users can modify the width of the Columns.

Model/Page Connections



  • Users are presented with a customizable view of Columns of Analyses.
  • Users can click the “four corners” button at the bottom right corner of the Analysis that will present the users with a full screen view of the Analysis.


  • If no Analyses are associated with the specific App Dashboard, a User is presented with a “Create or Add An Analysis” button.
    • Upon clicking the button, the User is presented with a selection of suggested templates based on the current App. A user can either choose one or click “x” in the top right , which will select a “Table” chart template by default.
    • Upon selection of the Analysis chart template, the User is presented with the Analytics Page.


  • Users can click the “Gear” at the top right of the Analysis to perform the following operations on Analyses:
    • Refresh
      • This refreshes the aanalysis with the latest completion data.
    • Edit
      • This opens the Analytics Editor.
    • Share
      • This will present the User with a Modal that can be used to Enable Sharing on the Analysis. Upon clicking “Share Analysis”, the User is presented with a URL to the Analysis that can be shared and viewed with users external to the Account.
    • Download
      • This will download a .png image of the Analysis.
    • Duplicate
      • This will duplicate the Analysis and append (Copy) to the name


  • Users can click the “Gear” at the top right of the Analysis to delete the Analysis. This will give the user a warning that it will also remove the Analysis from all versions of the app.


A user can access and return to the Dashboard from the following Pages…

User Permissions

Any user with app viewing permissions can view this page.

Users with app editing permissions can:

  • Add, Edit and Remove Analyses from the App Dashboard.
  • Reformat (columns and rows) for the presentation of Analyses.


QA-T267User Roles : 08 - Viewers should be unable to modify data in Tulip
QA-T359Analytics - Analytics Sharing
QA-T360Analytics - Analytics Copying
QA-T361Analytics - Analytics Refresh Rates
QA-T969Analytics - Analytics Copying (cloned)
QA-T970Analytics - Analytics Refresh Rates (cloned)
QA-T972Analytics - Analytics Sharing (cloned)


No requirements